clinical evidence (image)
clinical evidence (image)

Clinical Evidence Behind
Products and Intervention Techniques

Learn more about the clinical evidence behind our products and techniques in interventional cardiology, interventional oncology and peripheral intervention.
Interventional Cardiology
This sub-analysis compares abbreviated vs. prolonged DAPT in high bleeding risk patients presenting with acute or recent myocardial infarction.
Interventional Cardiology
This sub-analysis compares abbreviated vs. prolonged DAPT in high bleeding risk patients who received Ultimaster™ or Ultimaster™ Tansei™ for complex PCI.
Interventional Cardiology
This sub-analysis compares abbreviated vs. prolonged DAPT in patients at high bleeding risk with or without OAC therapy after coronary stenting.
Interventional Oncology
To compare angiographic and pathologic effects (ie, occlusion, recanalization) after embolization with Hydrogel-coated coils and fibered coils in the renal and internal iliac arteries after 7 days and 1 and 4…
Interventional Cardiology
MODEL U-SES trial demonstrated that 3-month DAPT was non-inferiority to adjusted cohort of longer DAPT after BP-SES implantation in net adverse clinical events. P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy was almost…
Interventional Oncology
A prospective registry on 30-day outcomes with 12 month follow up was conducted to increase the data available on radial access in visceral interventions (RAVI) and to show that radial access is safe and…
Interventional Cardiology
Randomized Comparison Between Radial and Femoral Large-Bore Access for Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (Complex Large Bore Radial PCI) The COLOR trial is - A multicenter prospective randomized…
Interventional Oncology
To evaluate the usefulness of hydrogel-coated coils for preventing recanalization after coil embolization of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs).
Interventional Oncology
To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of hydrogel-coated coils for vessel occlusion in the body trunk.