Members in Peripheral Intervention team (image)
Members in Peripheral Intervention team (image)

Our Brand Story: Peripheral

Taking on the challenge of improving customer benefit in usability- how we push the boundaries in peripheral intervention.
Taking on the challenge of improving customer benefit in usability- how we push the boundaries in peripheral intervention.
D.N.A. for Peripheral Intervention

The combined use of Terumo’s three endovascular devices - Destination™, NaviCross™, Glidewire Advantage™ - aims to simplify procedures for better access and crossing in peripheral intervention. Learn about the latest initiatives and their unique perspectives, from three associates at the heart of these products. 

Takashi Ito (image)

Takashi Ito

Senior Engineer,
Ashitaka Factory 

Exclusively worked on development of the peripheral support catheter, NaviCross. Extensively involved in development of a varied lineup of sizes and lengths. Recently, engaged in exploring value delivery for TLA* devices.

Kanako Furuta (image)

Kanako Furuta

Product Manager, Peripheral, 
Global Marketing 

Transitioned to marketing from sales. 
As Product Manager, engaged in Glidewire Advantage development, and initiatives to enhance the overall deliver of value in peripheral treatment. 

Mitsuki Hoshi (image)

Mitsuki Hoshi

Research Engineer,
Ashitaka Factory 

Assigned to NaviCross design modification project on joining Terumo. Interacting with healthcare professionals, applies insights to new product design and development of hands-on models.

Enriching Patient’s Lives through Peripheral Intervention
Kanako Furuta (image)

Kanako Furuta (KF): While we at Terumo have historically focused on the cardiology sector, we see peripheral intervention as an area where we can genuinely make a difference.

Peripheral artery disease can have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. Our mission is to bridge the gap, especially in Asia and South America, where our devices have previously been inaccessible. Looking ahead, we’re enhancing our associate training offerings and strengthening our digital communication efforts to ensure our entire product portfolio reaches those who need it most.

-    D.N.A. - Destination, NaviCross, Glidewire Advantage


KF: D.N.A. is an abbreviation inspired by our trio of endovascular devices: Destination (D), NaviCross (N), and Glidewire Advantage (A). As cases of complex peripheral lesions continue to rise, we see our D.N.A. solution as a way to bring together the unique benefits of each device, combining their strengths to effectively improve success rates in lesion crossing.

Persistence and Precision: Designing the Perfect Model

Takashi Ito (TI): We’d begun designing an aorta-iliac model to more effectively convey the tangible benefits of our D.N.A. solution. Initially, the model was conceived as a training tool, but as we moved forward with the design, we began to see it had potential as a hands-on model. So, we shifted gears and began creating a hands-on model that could be used for customer-facing demonstrations.

The biggest challenge was creating a model that authentically recreated lesions. We’d test, make tiny adjustments—no more than 0.1 mm—test again, adjust again, and on it went. Finally, after six months of trial and error we had a hands-on model we were genuinely happy with. Having Mitsuki in the team was a huge boost. Her previous experience with designing a hands-on model was invaluable in seeing this project through to completion. 

Mitsuki Hoshi (MH): Previously, I’d created a hands-on model for a different device. The manufacturer’s model came up short in highlighting the value and advantages of our device, and through a process of trial and error, I was able to make a model that could. I also wanted our overseas associates to use it, so it had to be sturdy enough to safely ship and easy to assemble. And, of course it was crucial that the model could reliably reproduce results no matter what. A lot of thought went into the entire design process.   

Takashi Ito (image)
DNA model (image)
Mitsuki Hoshi (image)


Personalities of Terumo Interventional Systems

- Which of the three personalities, Imaginative Ideas, Attention to Details, Never Give Up, resonates with you as an individual?


"Never Give Up"

KF: You’re bound to hit a wall when working on projects. It takes time to find a solution, and there are even moments when you wonder if it’s worth the effort. When I find myself in that situation, I remind myself that one day, the effort I’m putting in now will make a difference to patients. And that helps me push through. It’s a mindset that has supported me from my days in sales up to today.
Kanako Furuta (image)

"Imaginative Ideas"

MH: This is something that I need to work on. When you look at the market, it’s getting harder and harder to differentiate products. Adding an innovation or new technology to a device is a way to help the customers choose our products. I’m grateful for the invaluable experiences I’m gaining as part of the new product development team, and I look forward to embracing new challenges.
Takashi Ito (image)

"Imaginative Ideas"

TI: Imaginative Ideas for me too. When you’re faced with a tough situation, any idea, big or small, can spark something new. Coming up with fresh ideas and making them happen takes a lot of energy. But making the impossible possible is what keeps me moving forward. And doing something that no one else can is its own special sense of achievement. When an idea pops into my head, something I want to try out, I can’t wait for the next day to come and start working on it.

Mitsuki Hoshi (image)

*TLA: Therapeutic Lesion Access 

*Information accurate as of October 2023.

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