Video & Document Archives - MASTER DAPT

How MASTER DAPT can help you decide the optimal short DAPT duration


Review of the MASTER DAPT Trial

1/5: Series of How MASTER DAPT can help you decide the optimal short DAPT duration - with clinical expert Dr. Muramatsu

Behind the trial

Behind the MASTER DAPT Trial

2/5: Series of How MASTER DAPT can help you decide the optimal short DAPT duration - with clinical expert Dr. Muramatsu

Short DAPT Guidelines

Short DAPT Guidelines across the Globe

3/5: Series of How MASTER DAPT can help you decide the optimal short DAPT duration - with clinical expert Dr. Muramatsu

Short DAPT in Practice

4/5: Series of How MASTER DAPT can help you decide the optimal short DAPT duration - with clinical expert Dr. Muramatsu

Tools and Techniques

Tools and Techniques for short DAPT

5/5: Series of How MASTER DAPT can help you decide the optimal short DAPT duration - with clinical expert Dr. Muramatsu


Summary for optimal DAPT protocol 

The interview is in five parts and takes a total of 25 minutes to watch. A summary of the interview can be simple to confirm. You can download it in full here. - with clinical expert Dr. Muramatsu

MASTER DAPT trial is sponsored by the European Cardiovascular Research Institute (ECRI, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and supported with a restricted research grant by Terumo Europe. The study is managed by global CROs and data management group (CERC, Paris, France, Cardialysis, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, CV quest. Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan and CTU, Bern, Switzerland).