Biblioteca de Videos
Education & Training - ES - Access&Hemostasis - ES
How to Perform the Barbeau Test lectured by Dr.Marcelo
How to evaluate a radial Candidate : The Barbeau Test / Dr. Marcelo Guimaraes
How to Perform the Allen's Test lectured by Dr. Marcelo
Dr. Marcelo Guimaraes's training video about Allen's test performance
How to Check the Patency and Size of the Radial Artery lectured by Dr. Marcelo
Dr. Marcelo Guimaraes's lecture video how to check the patency and size of the radial artery.
TR Band Application and Removal Guidelines Video by Dr. Martinelli
TR Band Application and Removal Guidelines Video
Transitioning from a Femoral to Radial Approach
Dr. Marcelo Guimaraes discusses how his practice evolved from using a femoral access approach to a transradial access approach, and how his patients responded to the change.
Leveraging a Universal Guide Catheter for Complex PCI
Q&A with Dr. Michael J. Martinelli - Leveraging a Universal Guide Catheter for Complex PCI
COVID RECOVERY PROCESS Same Day Discharge and Getting Back to Procedures
Webinar Physician Panel on Same-Day Discharge and Getting Back to Procedures COVID RECOVERY PROCESS
How to Use the Jacky Shape Catheter
TRI Basic instructional for maneuvering coronary angiographic catheter and guidewire.
TRI Guide for patients
Easy to understand guide to help explain transradial procedures to patients.
TRI puncture lectured by Dr. Saito using the Arm Model
TRI Basic instructional using Terumo's dedicated arm model to illustrate radial artery puncture techniques.
TRI Catheterization training
TRI Basic instructional for maneuvering coronary angiographic catheter and guidewire.
TRI Basics - Patient flow for the Lab staff
TRI Basic guide for lab staff to understand transradial procedures, including information on equipment preparation and patient monitoring.